SC-ST Pre Matric Scholarship – Uttar Pradesh: In order to assist financially challenged Scheduled Caste (SC) or Scheduled Tribe (ST) pupils pursuing secondary school in Classes 9 or 10, the Uttar Pradesh Social Welfare Department offers a Pre Matric Scholarship. This scholarship initiative seeks to close the financial gap that could otherwise impede the academic advancement of students from underrepresented groups, acknowledging the critical role that education plays in empowering them.
By offering financial support, the scholarship lessens the financial load on SC families and motivates students to finish their matriculation, which opens doors to better prospects for their lives and further educational opportunities. SC-ST Pre Matric Scholarship – Uttar Pradesh
SC-ST Pre Matric Scholarship – Uttar Pradesh
SC-ST Pre Matric Scholarship – Uttar Pradesh: To foster the education of background sections and underprivileged children. The government of India has come up with the Pre-School Scholarship Scheme for SCs and STs in order to lessen the burden of education costs. It makes it easy for SC / ST students to go to school and finish their studies. In this exhaustive mentality all the factors of the SC-ST Pre Matric Scholarship – Uttar Pradesh will be discussed; it’s goals – why it is necessary – benefits and other factors. The application process Essential and other probably interesting documents and generalities
- ₹3,500/- per annum (Day Students).
- ₹7,000/- per annum (residential students).
- ₹3,500/- per annum (Day Students).
- ₹8,000/- per annum (residential students).
- The beneficiary needs to live in Uttar Pradesh.
- The beneficiary must be a member of one of the Scheduled Tribes (ST) or Scheduled Castes (SC).
- Recipients who are dependents of workers in jobs that are customarily seen as untouchable.
- Financial:
- Component 1: Beneficiaries’ parents’ annual income should not be more than ₹2,50,000/-
- Component 2: No income criteria.
- The applicant’s parents’ entire family is eligible.
- With few exceptions, students are not eligible to receive other scholarships in addition to this one.
- As of July 1st, the beneficiary’s age range is 12 to 20 years old.
Application Process
Online Registration
Step-1: Applicant need to visit the official website.

Step-2: Click Registration under Student option.
Step-3: Select the option among the following:
- For ST,SC,General Category) (Fresh)
- For OBC Category
- For Minority Category
- For children studying in class 9 and 10 of parents engaged in unclean profession.

Step-4: Select the further option accordingly
- Pre-matric (Fresh).
- Post-matric Intermediate (Fresh).
- Post-matric Other Than Intermediate (Fresh).
- Post-matric Other State (Fresh).
Step-5: Provide the required information for registration and click on submit.
Step-6: Now, note down the registration number from the screen.
Step-1: Applicant need to visit the official website.
Step-2: Click Fresh Login under Student option.
Step-3: Fill out the required details.

- Registration Number.
- Mobile Number.
- Password.
Step-4: Complete the DigiLocker verification.
Step-5: Fill out the application form.
- Registration Details
- Personnel Details.
- Bank Details.
Step-6: Upload required documents.
Step-7: Complete NPCI verification.
Step-8: Download the application form.
Step-9: Submit the application form to the institute with all required documents.
Documents Required
- Mark sheet of your last qualifying examination.
- Caste certificate.
- Income certificate of your family.
- Bank passbook photocopy (where the scholarship amount will be deposited).
- Fee receipt number (if applicable).
- Enrollment number.
- Aadhar card number.
- Latest passport-sized photograph.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is this scheme ?
A. The Uttar Pradesh Social Welfare Department offers a Pre Matric Scholarship for Scheduled Caste (SC) students. This scholarship aims to financially assist students from these categories to pursue secondary education and complete their matriculation. Image of Uttar Pradesh
Q. What benefits are provided ?
A. Financial benefits are provide.
Q. How much financial benefits are provided?
A. Component-1 ₹3,500/- per annum (Day Students). ₹7,000/- per annum (residential students). Component-2 ₹3,500/- per annum (Day Students). ₹8,000/- per annum (residential students).
Q. Who can get the scheme benefits?
A. All eligible student from the resident of Uttar Pradesh can get the scheme benefits.
Q. What is the caste eligibility criteria ?
A. Applicant must belong to the Scheduled Caste (SC) or Scheduled Tribe (ST) category.
Q. What is educational eligibility criteria ?
A. Applicant must be studying in Class 9 or 10 in a recognized school.
Q. What is financial eligibility criteria ?
A. Applicant family’s annual income must not exceed ₹2,50,000/-.
Q. What is the procedure to get the scheme benefits?
A. 1. The applicant will have to register himself online. 2. Fill out the application form. 3. Download the filled application form and submit it to the institute.
Q. What documents are required?
A. 1. Mark sheet of your last qualifying examination. 2. Caste certificate. 3. Income certificate of your family. 4. Bank passbook photocopy (where the scholarship amount will be deposited). 5. Fee receipt number (if applicable). 6. Enrollment number. 7. Aadhar card number. 8. Latest passport-sized photograph.
Q. What is official URL to get register and fill out application form?
A. Follow the below URL. Link :
SC-ST Pre Matric Scholarship – Uttar Pradesh: The SC-ST Pre Matric Scholarship makes a big difference in helping disadvantaged students get a good education. This program cuts down on the money families have to spend and keeps more kids in school. To make the most of this scholarship, we need to fix any problems with how it works and get it to more people. If we do this right, it could change things for SC and ST students all over India. It could help them do better in school and, in the long run, boost the country’s growth in many ways.
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