National Family Benefit Scheme: The Uttar Pradesh government launched the NFBS, also referred to as the Rashtriya Parivarik Labh Yojana, in January 2016. The families who have lost their lead earners will receive a lump sum payment as compensation under this scheme. One had to apply to register under the scheme in order to be eligible for the compensation. You can only access the application process in its entirety online. The scheme does not offer an offline application.
Under the National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP), the Indian government launched the National Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS), a social assistance program. NFBS, which was founded in 1995, offers financial assistance to grieving families who have lost their main source of income and are below the poverty line (BPL). The program’s goal is to provide a one-time grant to these families so they can overcome the financial difficulties that arise right away after the breadwinner passes away.
National Family Benefit Scheme
National Family Benefit Scheme: The NSAP was founded in order to carry out the Directive Principles of State Policy, specifically Article 41 of the Indian Constitution, which requires the state to offer public assistance to those who are unemployed, elderly, ill, disabled, or in other situations where there is unjustifiable need. The NFBS was designed with the express purpose of addressing the financial vulnerability that families experiencing the loss of their main source of income face.
Key Features
- Below-poverty-line families are eligible for the NFBS program. The Uttar Pradesh state government will provide financial support to the next head of the family in the event that the primary earner passes away.
- The candidate must be between the ages of 18 and 60. The applicant may not receive the full amount of compensation if they are younger than 18, or if they are older than 60.
- The compensation has been increased from the previous amount of Rs. 20, 000/- to a fixed amount of Rs. 30, 000/-. Use of the online application process is required to apply for the scheme. There is no offline registration method for this scheme.
- In order to qualify for the program, a family’s annual income cannot exceed Rs. 46, 080 in rural areas and Rs. 56, 450 in urban areas. Only after the lead earner or the family’s sole earner passes away will the families receive the full amount of compensation.
National Family Benefit Scheme: Eligible families are given a lump sum payment of INR 20,000 under the NFBS. This sum is meant to assist the family in meeting their immediate financial needs after the primary earner passed away. Although the sum might not seem like much, for families in extreme poverty, it can mean the difference between life and death during a time of severe financial hardship.
The state government, which is in charge of carrying out the program, typically handles the disbursement procedure. Depending on the state’s particular procedures, the funds may be provided through other channels or transferred directly to the eligible family’s bank account.
National Family Benefit Scheme: In order to be eligible for aid under the NFBS, a family needs to fulfill multiple requirements:
- Below Poverty Line (BPL) Status: According to the standards established by the state government, the family must be determined to be below the poverty line. Given that the program is intended for the most economically disadvantaged members of society, this is an important criterion.
- Death of the Primary Breadwinner: The main breadwinner’s death had to have affected the family. Any member of the household, male or female, whose earnings make up a significant portion of the total household income is considered the breadwinner.
- Age of the Breadwinner: The breadwinner’s age at death must have been between 18 and 59 in order for their passing to qualify them for the NFBS. This age range guarantees that families who lose a breadwinner during their working years are the scheme’s target audience.
- Proof of Death: In order to prove that the main breadwinner has died, the family must present a death certificate. In order to guard against fraudulent claims and guarantee that the benefits are received by the intended recipients, this documentation is essential.
Application Process
Offline Application Process
- The applicants need to visit the official website.
- Download the application form.
- Submit the filled form at the District Magistrate’s office
- Enclose required documents.
Online Application Process
- First open the website on the browser and click on Application+.
2. Now first of all fill the details of your district, resident, tehsil, village etc. After that the applicant will have to complete his/her Aadhaar verification. For this, enter Name, Gender, Date of Birth, Category, Mobile Number and Have to fill Captcha Code.
Note: If the details of the applicant are not verified with Aadhaar then the registration will not be complete. So the details of your Aadhaar Fill out the form matching it.
Aadhaar Demographic Authentication:
3. Now enter your valid Aadhaar number and captcha code to complete Aadhaar photograph. To get authentication (Aadhaar Demographic Authentication) done, Verify Aadhaar and Submit for Click on the Registration button.
After verification of the name and other details filled by you from Aadhaar, you will get Confirmation message will be received.
Now click on Verify Aadhaar(OTP Based) button for best OTP verification.
OTP Based Aadhaar Authentication
Verify Aadhaar & Submit Application by entering the OTP and captcha code received on your mobile. Click on the Form button.
Note: OTP received on your mobile will be valid only for 3 minutes.
4 . After Aadhaar verification you will get the registration number. This will also be sent as SMS to your mobile. Note it down and you can also take a printout of it.
Applicant Login:
The applicant has to enter his/her registration number and registered mobile number and click on send OTP button. This will happen so that OTP can be received on the mobile.
Enter the OTP received on the mobile and click on the Login button.
Note: OTP received on your mobile will be valid only for 3 minutes.
After login, you will get a dashboard containing your previously entered details. You have to click on apply.
After clicking on Apply, you will get a form on which you will enter details of your bank, date of death of the deceased.
Details and captcha code will have to be filled. After filling the details, you have to click on the “Submit Application Form” button.
If you want to update any details before the final lock, you can do so. For this click on “Modify Application” do it
Note: You will not be able to make changes in the details after final lock.
Online Death Certificate Verification
National Family Benefit Scheme: To verify the death of the deceased online, click on Verify on the death certificate, and enter the date of death, number, gender, etc. on the death certificate. Fill it and click on Verify Death Certificate Number button. You will see other details on the death certificate, if the death certificate If the details are correct then click on Verify Death Detail button.
Online Income Certificate Verification
National Family Benefit Scheme: For income verification, fill the application form number on the income certificate, serial number on the income certificate and captcha code. The details will appear in front of you, if the details on the income certificate are correct then click on the Validate Income Detail button.
Photo,Sign/Thumb impression and Death Certificate
National Family Benefit Scheme: To upload documents, click on “Upload Documents” and upload photo, signature/thumb impression and death certificate. The certificate will have to be uploaded. After this upload all the documents and click on “Upload all Documents” button. Will happen.
Print for testing:
Click on Print for checking and take a printout of the form or check the form online Can To make any changes, “Modify Application”, “Verify on Death Certificate”, “Verify on Income Certificate”. You can make changes by clicking on “Do”, “Upload Document”.
Final Lock
National Family Benefit Scheme: To final lock, click on Final Lock Application Form and you can lock the form. after final lock can copy form print. You will not be able to make changes in the details after final lock. After thorough checking, do the final lock.
Documents Required
List of the required documents
- Death certificate.
- Below poverty line card.
- Below poverty line ration card (blue card).
- Residence proof.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Is this scheme for all?
A. No, this is only for those below the poverty line only
Q. Am I eligible to get this benefit, if I am alive
A. No, this is a death relief benefit, it and only the death of breadwinner and their dependent can apply
Q. Is it online only?
A. No, both offline and online can apply.
Q. Who can apply?
A. Family having below poverty line certificate or proof can apply for this.
Q. What are the age criteria?
A. 18 years to 60 years
Q. How can I apply online?
A. Visit the Official website link: And fill out the application form online and submit
Q. List of the required documents
A. 1) Death certificate 2) Below poverty line card 3) Below poverty line ration card (blue card) 4) Residence proof
Q. How to apply offline ?
A. 1 Download the application form from 2. fill out and submit to District A. A. Magistrate’s office .
National Family Benefit Scheme: An essential part of India’s social safety net is the National Family Benefit Scheme, which aims to give families who lose their main breadwinner instant financial support. Millions of families nationwide have benefited greatly from the program, despite difficulties encountered during execution.
It is crucial to address the issues the NFBS faces, such as administrative inefficiencies, lack of awareness, and delays in disbursement, in order to guarantee that it continues to fulfill its intended purpose. The National Flood Insurance System (NFBS) can be enhanced to offer National Family Benefit Scheme